1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Plat Approvals
6. Rezoning Requests
7. Annexation Requests
8. Site Plan Amendment Requests: PC-011221 (SP1)
• Owner, Maury County Investments represented by Developer, Evers Construction, is requesting a site plan revision to the approved parking lot design concerning properties on South Main St., being further identified on Tax Map 130O L Parcels 001.00, 002.00, 003.00. Reason for request is to better support downtown revitalization.
9. Old Business
10. Other Business
11. Board/Staff Comments
12. Citizen Comments
13. Adjournment
The public is invited to attend City of Mount Pleasant, Tennessee Planning Commission meetings.