1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes
a) Prior Meeting – May 11, 2021
5. Plat Approvals:
PC-06082021 (FP1) - Owner, Alec Seaman, represented by Rhodes Engineering, has submitted a Final Plat for the development of forty-nine residential lots in the Sugar Creek Subdivision located on 17.19 acres, further identified on Tax Map 133 Parcel 9.00, being duly recorded at Maury County Register of Deeds.
6. Rezoning Requests:
PC-06082021 (RZ1) - Owner, Jim Barrier, has submitted a rezone request for property @ 205 North. Main Street, from CN-Neighborhood Commercial to R2-Medium Density Residential. This property is further identified as Tax Map 133J H 0013.00 being duly recorded at Maury County Register of Deeds office. The reason for this request is utilization of structure for single-family and/or duplex residential use.
PC-06-082021 (RZ2) - Owner, Cole Investments LLC, has submitted a rezone request for four properties located along First Avenue, being 911-917 and three properties on North High Street, from R1-Low Density Residential to R3-High Density Residential. These properties are further identified respectively as Tax Map 133H Group D Parcels012, 011, 010, 09, 026, 027, 028 being duly recorded at Maury County Register of Deeds office. The reason for this request is for future development of site for construction of multi-family and/or town homes along First Avenue and duplex units along North High Street.
7. Annexation Requests
8. Site Plan Requests:
PC-06082021 (SPA) REVISION - Owner, Acts Family Church, represented by Mr. Tim Paul, has submitted a site plan amendment request concerning parking lot surface for project located at 188 South Cross Bridges Road. Whereas, the original plan and approval from this commission indicated asphalt binder for future topcoat was to be placed on site; owner is requesting that a double layer of tar and chip be allowed in lieu of binder requirement.
9. Old Business
10. Other Business
11. Board/Staff Comments
12. Citizen Comments
13. Adjournment
The public is invited to attend City of Mount Pleasant, Tennessee Planning Commission meetings.