1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes
a) Prior Meeting – August 10, 2021
5. Plat Approvals:
6. Rezoning Requests:
7. Annexation Requests
8. Site Plan Requests:
PC-081021 (SP1) - Owner, Johnny Potts, has submitted a site plan request for property located at 105 South Park Drive. The purpose of this request is to support development and construction of 7,500-sf addition to the existing structure on property as well as construction of a 4,032-sf accessory structure to accommodate the business needs of Cowley Container.
9. Old Business
10. Other Business
Review and consideration for amendment to Planning Commission By-Laws regarding Article I, Section 3, Membership
Staff presentation of update for Design Guidelines
11. Board/Staff Comments
12. Citizen Comments
13. Adjournment
The public is invited to attend City of Mount Pleasant, Tennessee Planning Commission meetings.