Community Center
501 Gray Lane, Mount Pleasant, TN 38474
what does the Mount Pleasant Community Center have to offer?
Mt. Pleasant Senior Center
Activity Volunteer Coordinator:
Diane James
Center Phone: (931) 325-5234
Transportation: (931) 388-9595
Maury County Senior Center:
The Senior Center provides activities, socialization, and special programming
Monday - Friday.
Rhythm Ryder’s Spin
Spinning focuses on endurance, strength, high intensity and recovery using stationary bicycles. Routines that are designed to simulate terrain and situations similar to riding a bike outdoors.
Our program launched in October of 2018
and has become one of our most popular! This project was initially funded by the Maury Regional Healthcare Foundation through a no-match grant to help promote health and wellness within our community.
Classes are 100% FREE and are posted weekly on our Parks and Recreation Facebook Page.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer instructor, please contact Parks and Recreation using the form located on our home page.
Rhythm Ryder’s Spin
“Push yourself, because no one is going to do it for you.”