Community Center

501 Gray Lane, Mount Pleasant, TN 38474

501 Gray Lane, Mount Pleasant, TN 38474

what does the Mount Pleasant Community Center have to offer?

Mt. Pleasant Senior Center

Activity Volunteer Coordinator:
Diane James

Center Phone: (931) 325-5234
Transportation: (931) 388-9595

Maury County Senior Center:

(931) 380-3950

The Senior Center provides activities, socialization, and special programming
Monday - Friday.


Rhythm Ryder’s Spin

Spinning focuses on endurance, strength, high intensity and recovery using stationary bicycles. Routines that are designed to simulate terrain and situations similar to riding a bike outdoors.

Our program launched in October of 2018
and has become one of our most popular! This project was initially funded by the Maury Regional Healthcare Foundation through a no-match grant to help promote health and wellness within our community.

Classes are 100% FREE and are posted weekly on our Parks and Recreation Facebook Page.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer instructor, please contact Parks and Recreation using the form located on our home page.


Rhythm Ryder’s Spin

“Push yourself, because no one is going to do it for you.”