The Mount Pleasant Municipal Planning Commission will hold its regularly scheduled meeting in the Tom Hardin Room at Mount Pleasant City Hall on Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 6 P.M. The agenda items are as follows:
1. Rezoning Request: PC-081021 (RZ1)
Owner, B & B Properties, has submitted a rezone request for property @ Southport Road and Frierson Lane, being further identified on Tax Map 133N B Parcel 07.00; duly recorded in Deed Book R2700 on Page 071 Plat Book Page 130, also on file at the Maury County Register of Deed’s office. The existing zone designation is R1-Low Density Residential. The request is to rezone the entire parcel to R3 – High Density Residential. The purpose of this request is for the development of a residential subdivision.
2. Site Plan Request: PC-081021 (SP1)
Owner, Johnny Potts, has submitted a site plan request for property located at 105 South Park Drive. The purpose of this request is to support development and construction of 7,500-sf addition to the existing structure on property as well as construction of a 4,032-sf accessory structure to accommodate the business needs of Cowley Container.
The general public is cordially invited to attend