1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
3. Roll Call
4. Approval/correction of minutes from prior meetings
a. Study Session – June 10, 2021
b. Regular Meeting – June 15, 2021
5. Awards/Presentations/Appointments
a. Swearing in of Reserve Police Officer Phillip Bunting
6. Completion/review of Unfinished Business from prior meeting.
a. Ordinance 2021-1076 – (Public Hearing/Final Reading) – An Ordinance declining to amend Title 14, Zoning and Land Use Control, Chapter 2, Zoning Ordinance, of the Mount Pleasant Municipal Code, the same being the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Mount Pleasant, Tennessee, including the Municipal Zoning Map incorporated therein by rezoning a property from Neighboring Commercial (CN) to Medium Density Residential (R2). (North Main Street)
b. Ordinance 2021-1077 – (Public Hearing/Final Reading) – An Ordinance amending Title 14, Zoning and Land Use Control, Chapter 2, Zoning Ordinance, of the Mount Pleasant Municipal Code, the same being the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Mount Pleasant, Tennessee, including the Municipal Zoning Map incorporated therein by rezoning a property from Low Density Residential (R1) to High Density Residential (R3). (First Avenue & North High Street)
c. Ordinance 2021-1078 – (Public Hearing/Final Reading) – An Ordinance establishing Historic Zoning Overlay District in the City of Mount Pleasant.
7. Monthly report from Mayor
8. Monthly financial/budget report
9. Monthly report from City Manager
10. Special reports from other City Departments or Committees if applicable.
a. Wastewater Liaison Report – Barge Design Sewer Update
b. Mount Pleasant Gas System Report
11. New Business (Comments from citizens may or may not be included, dependent on the issues.)
a. Ordinance 2021-1079 – (First Reading) – An Ordinance amending Title 14, Zoning and Land Use Control, Chapter 2, Zoning Ordinance, of the Mount Pleasant Municipal Code, the same being the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Mount Pleasant, Tennessee, including the Municipal Zoning Map incorporated therein by rezoning a portion of a property from Light Industrial (IL) to High Density Residential (R3). (Floyd Property)
b. Ordinance 2021-1080 – (First Reading) – An Ordinance of the City of Mount Pleasant, Tennessee amending Title 4, Chapter 6 of the Mount Pleasant Municipal Code relating to Travel Rules, Regulations, and Procedures.
c. Resolution 2021-16 – A Resolution by the City of Mount Pleasant, Tennessee authorizing a payment in lieu of taxes for the Mount Pleasant Power System for FY 2021-2022.
d. Resolution 2021-17 – A Resolution by the City of Mount Pleasant, Tennessee authorizing a payment in lieu of taxes for the Mount Pleasant Gas Department for FY 2021-2022.
e. Resolution 2021-18 – Resolution approving agreement for payment in lieu of taxes for the Mount Pleasant Municipal Housing Authority.
f. Resolution 2021-19 – A Resolution revising the Employee Compensation Plan for the City of Mount Pleasant, Tennessee for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022.
g. Request to designate STBG Funds for 2021 to the Downtown Revitalization Project and TDOT TAP Grant in the amount of $74,518.00.
h. Codification of Ordinances to update the Municipal Code.
i. Hamilton Building Development Agreement.
12. General comments from citizens (May be limited in time and/or number of comments.)
13. Adjournment
The public is invited to attend City of Mount Pleasant, Tennessee Board of Commissioners meetings. .